The sights at Segorbe
Being Saturday and being sunshine and rich blue skies means time for a little exploring. Today we started with a shopping trip to Lliria, some 20km north of Valencia on the motorway towards Ademuz. We came across Lliria and indeed its British supermarket, Spainsbury's (yes that's right, Spainsbury's - I cannot believe the lawyers have let that one get away) through the British friend of a Spanish friend who assured us that this was the supermarket to get all those 'hard-to-find' products from good old Blighty. He turned out to be as good as his word, for Spainsbury's did indeed stock all those essentials from Marmite and PG Tips to Christmas puddings and custard powder (as well as those other traditional British ingredients including Chicken Korma and Tikka cook-in sauces!). It turns out that Spainsbury's does home deliveries just like like its UK nearly-namesake - we might be clicking some more online orders soon!
View of Segorbe looking across from its castle
Then, aiming for the town of Segorbe, we drove cross country on one of the most stunning mountain drives so far (there have been several and they've all been stunning). This trip included some of the windiest roads we've driven for a while and from the village of Gatova onwards, the roads were narrow and look like they've hardly been resurfaced for many a year. The scenery was breathtaking - similar in parts to the red rock canyons of Sedona in Arizona. Along the first part of the drive, the roads had very definitely received a recent investment - considerable sums. However, the most interesting aspect of this was, to us, the fact that a cycle path, several kilometeres in length, had been buit alongside the road - some 20 metres or so away - painted green and with white markings along its entire length. Apparently the cycle path serves no useful purpose, since for all the time we drove alongside it, I saw only one cyclist making use of it - and around 100 other cyclists competing with the cars on the main carriageway.
Chris and Jo believe that they are the first British children ever to drink from all 50 'Fuente de los 50 Caños'. Is this a legitimate Guinness Record?
Arriving at Segorbe in the late morning, we were treated to pleasant late autumn weather (similar to recent visits to Requena) which though brightly sunlit, was mitigated by the coolness associated with being at a higher altitude than Valencia (though still probably somewhat lower down than Requena). A brisk walk up the hill to the incredibly helpful Oficina de Turismo to get our bearings (plus town map and colour booklet guide of places to see) and we were off to discover what was left of the town's castle. The views from the top are stunning throughout the 360° sweep. We stopped at the small Bar Valencia in the town centre for an excellent menú del día and then off back down the hill to discover the Fuente de los cincuenta caños - 50 taps out of which permanently gush the town's natural mineral water. The fifty taps represent each one of the fifty provinces of Spain. We saw several people filling their plastic bottles and water carriers while we were there - before Chris and Jo got the bright idea of sampling the produce of every one of the fifty taps - before getting back into the car, soaking wet, for the 50km toilet-less trip back to Valencia! A very pleasant day out, and having missed the town's current 'foodie' celebration - I Muestra Gastronomica de la Seta y el Cordero which is coming to an end, and arriving at the wrong time of year for its most famous annual shindig, Entrada de toros y caballos (entry of the bulls and horses), I can feel one or two return trips in the offing.
Hi Liz, Brian, Chris and Jo!
What a wonderful time you are having! Valencia all looks fabulous and it seems you are really enjoying your time there - are you fluent in Spanish yet??!!
Will it be Paella and sangria on the beach at Xmas instead of boring turkey and mince pies?! I hope so!
Anyway, Annie and I would love to come out and see you next year if that would be ok - it's been far too long since we saw you and it would be great to come out and visit!
Lots of love
Helen xx
Sounds de-LLiria-sly lovely. Haven't looked at the blog for a bit as my laptop (with the address in the 'favourites') got nicked -- no loss to humanity as it's all backed up on a central server except, of course, things like the browser. It's lovely to read about what you are up to and what consistently lovely photographs.
The bat story was really terrifying! I think I would have been tempted to fight bat with bat -- but the box and towel treatment is a much nicer solution. He sounded very keen to get in -- I hope you don't show up as some kind of desirable destination the Bat-nav!
Thanks again for the excellent blogging -- love from Terry
Sounds de-LLiria-sly lovely. Haven't looked at the blog for a bit as my laptop (with the address in the 'favourites') got nicked -- no loss to humanity as it's all backed up on a central server except, of course, things like the browser. It's lovely to read about what you are up to and what consistently lovely photographs.
The bat story was really terrifying! I think I would have been tempted to fight bat with bat -- but the box and towel treatment is a much nicer solution. He sounded very keen to get in -- I hope you don't show up as some kind of desirable destination the Bat-nav!
Thanks again for the excellent blogging -- love from Terry
Managed to post my comment twice, so I hope I have now deleted the second version and left this instead.
Hasta la vista,
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